About this guide

Development of a robust application, be it message publisher or message consumer, involves dealing with multiple kinds of failures: protocol exceptions, network failures, broker failures and so on. Correct error handling and recovery is not easy. This guide explains how the library helps you in dealing with issues like

  • Initial connection failures
  • Network connection failures
  • AMQP 0.9.1 connection-level exceptions
  • AMQP 0.9.1 channel-level exceptions
  • Broker failure
  • TLS (SSL) related issues

as well as

  • How does the automatic recovery mode in Langohr 2.0+ work

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (including images and stylesheets). The source is available on Github.

What version of Langohr does this guide cover?

This guide covers Langohr 3.6.x.

Initial RabbitMQ Connection Failures

When applications connect to the broker, they need to handle connection failures. Networks are not 100% reliable, even with modern system configuration tools like Chef or Puppet misconfigurations happen and the broker might also be down. Error detection should happen as early as possible.

langohr.core/connect will raise java.net.ConnectException or java.net.UnknownHostException if a connection fails. Code that catches it can write to a log about the issue or use retry to execute the begin block one more time. Because initial connection failures are due to misconfiguration or network outage, reconnection to the same endpoint (hostname, port, vhost combination) may result in the same issue over and over.

(require '[langohr.core :as rmq])

(rmq/connect {:host "" :port 2887})
;; throws java.net.ConnectException due to incorrect port

(rmq/connect {:host "asd88asd.megacorp.com"})
;; throws java.net.UnknownHostException due to incorrect host

Authentication Failures

Another reason why a connection may fail is authentication failure. Handling authentication failure is very similar to handling initial TCP connection failure:

(rmq/connect {:uri "amqp://sdfoiu:sd899937@hub.megacorp.local:5672/%2F"})
;; throws com.rabbitmq.client.PossibleAuthenticationFailureException
;; due to invalid credentials

In case you are wondering why the exception name has "possible" in it: AMQP 0.9.1 spec requires broker implementations to simply close TCP connection without sending any more data when an exception (such as authentication failure) occurs before AMQP connection is open. In practice, however, when broker closes TCP connection between successful TCP connection and before AMQP connection is open, it means that authentication has failed.

RabbitMQ 3.2 introduces authentication failure notifications which Langohr supports. When connecting to RabbitMQ 3.2 or later, Langohr will raise com.rabbitmq.client.AuthenticationFailureException when it receives a proper authentication failure notification.

Network Connection Failures

Detecting network connections is nearly useless if an application cannot recover from them. Recovery is the hard part in "error handling and recovery". Fortunately, the recovery process for many applications follows one simple scheme that Langohr can perform automatically for you.

Automatic Recovery

When automatic recovery is enabled and Langohr detects TCP connection failure, it will try to reconnect every 5 seconds. Currently there is no limit on the number of reconnection attempts.

To completely disable automatic connection recovery, pass :automatically-recover as false langohr.core/connect.

To determine whether a connection uses automatic recovery, use langohr.core/automatic-recovery-enabled?:

(require '[langohr.core :as rmq])

(let [c (rmq/connect)]
  (rmq/automatic-recovery-enabled? c))
;= true

Topology Recovery

Many applications use the same recovery strategy that consists of the following steps:

  • Reconnect
  • Re-open channels
  • For each channel, re-declare exchanges (except for predefined ones)
  • For each channel, re-declare queues
  • For each queue, recover all bindings
  • For each queue, recover all consumers

Langohr provides a feature known as "automatic topology recovery" that performs these steps after connection recovery, while taking care of some of the more tricky details such as recovery of server-named queues with consumers.

To recover your topology, for every channel Langohr will

  • Re-declare queues originally declared on it
  • Re-declare exchanges originally declared on it
  • Re-establish bindings
  • Re-register consumers

Server-named queues will be declared with new names and their bindings and consumers will be updated accordingly.

Langohr will not track inter-channel dependencies, e.g. when a server-named queue was declared on channel 10 but used to consume messages from on channel 20. This means that for automatic topology recovery to work, all operations on a queue (declaration, binding, consuming messages, etc) must happen on the same channel, otherwise there is a possibility of the queue not being declared by the time another channel recovers and tries to use it.

To disable topology recovery, pass :automatically-recover-topology as false. Then Langohr will only recover connections and channels (given that automatic recovery in general is not disabled).

Manual Topology Recovery

It is possible to use recovery hooks (callbacks) to recover a topology manually. Callbacks are registered on connections and channels using langohr.core/on-recovery:

(rmq/on-recovery ch (fn [ch]
                          (start-consumer ch q)))

During recovery, the callback will be invoked after connection and channels have been recovered and passed the connection or channel it was registered with.

The following example demonstrates how a queue with a consumer is recovered using a recovery hook:

(ns clojurewerkz.langohr.examples.recovery.example1
  (:require [langohr.core      :as rmq]
            [langohr.channel   :as lch]
            [langohr.queue     :as lq]
            [langohr.exchange  :as lx]
            [langohr.consumers :as lc]
            [langohr.basic     :as lb])
  (:import java.io.IOException

(defn message-handler
  [ch {:keys [content-type delivery-tag type] :as meta} ^bytes payload]
  (println (format "[consumer] Received a message: %s"
                   (String. payload "UTF-8"))))

(defn start-consumer
  [ch ^String q]
  (lq/declare ch q {:exclusive false :auto-delete false})
    (lc/subscribe ch q message-handler {:auto-ack true}))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (let [conn (rmq/connect {:automatically-recover true :automatically-recover-topology false})
        ch   (lch/open conn)
        q    "langohr.examples.recovery.example1.q"
        x    ""]
    (start-consumer ch q)
    (rmq/on-recovery ch (fn [ch]
                          (start-consumer ch q)))
    ;; publish messages that are routed to langohr.examples.recovery.example1.q
    ;; and demonstrate consumer recovery
    (while true
      (Thread/sleep 1000)
        (lb/publish ch x q "hello")
        (catch AlreadyClosedException ace
          (comment "Happens when you publish while the connection is down"))
        (catch IOException ioe
          (comment "ditto"))))))

Channel-level Exceptions

Channel-level exceptions are more common than connection-level ones and often indicate issues applications can recover from (such as consuming from or trying to delete a queue that does not exist).

With Langohr, channel-level exceptions are raised as Java exceptions (IOException or ShutdownSignalException) that provide access to the underlying channel.close method information.

Shutdown exceptions can be inspected using functions in the langohr.shutdown namespace:

(require '[langohr.queue    :as lhq])
(require '[langohr.shutdown :as lh])

  ;; bind a non-existent queue
  (lhq/bind ch "ugggggh" "amq.fanout")
  (catch java.net.IOException ioe
    (lh/soft-error? ioe)
    ;= true, it's possible to recover from this exception
    (lh/initiated-by-broker? ioe)
    ;= true, RabbitMQ closed the channel
    (lh/initiated-by-application? ioe)
    ;= false
    (println (lh/reason-of ioe))
    (println (lh/channel-of ioe))
    (println (lh/connection-of ioe))))

Common channel-level exceptions and what they mean

A few channel-level exceptions are common and deserve more attention.

406 Precondition Failed

The client requested a method that was not allowed because some precondition failed.
What might cause it
  • AMQP entity (a queue or exchange) was re-declared with attributes different from original declaration. Maybe two applications or pieces of code declare the same entity with different attributes. Note that different RabbitMQ client libraries historically use slightly different defaults for entities and this may cause attribute mismatches.
  • `langohr.tx/commit` or `langohr.tx/#rollback` might be run on a channel that wasn't previously made transactional with `langohr.tx/select`
Example RabbitMQ error message
  • PRECONDITION_FAILED - parameters for queue 'langohr.examples.channel_exception' in vhost '/' not equivalent
  • PRECONDITION_FAILED - channel is not transactional

405 Resource Locked

The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access because another client is working with it.
What might cause it
  • Multiple applications (or different pieces of code/threads/processes/routines within a single application) might try to declare queues with the same name as exclusive.
  • Multiple consumer across multiple or single app might be registered as exclusive for the same queue.
Example RabbitMQ error message
RESOURCE_LOCKED - cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'langohr.examples.queue' in vhost '/'

404 Not Found

The client attempted to use (publish to, delete, etc) an entity (exchange, queue) that does not exist.
What might cause it
Application miscalculates queue or exchange name or tries to use an entity that was deleted earlier
Example RabbitMQ error message
NOT_FOUND - no queue 'queue_that_should_not_exist0.6798199937619038' in vhost '/'

403 Access Refused

The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access due to security settings.
What might cause it
Application tries to access a queue or exchange it has no permissions for (or right kind of permissions, for example, write permissions)
Example RabbitMQ error message
ACCESS_REFUSED - access to queue 'langohr.examples.channel_exception' in vhost 'langohr_testbed' refused for user 'langohr_reader'

The documentation is organized as a number of guides, covering various topics.

We recommend that you read the following guides first, if possible, in this order:

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